I hear Watterson shut ya down on this one. It was well done and brought back a few good memories. Hope you continue good work like this.
I hear Watterson shut ya down on this one. It was well done and brought back a few good memories. Hope you continue good work like this.
Overall? Pretty darn good.
Your art style and backgrounds are both very good. Transitions could be a bit faster, giving it a more action packed feel, but i enjoyed the flash-style first-person battle scenes. Keep it up, i think you have some real potential!
For a flash to make me think as deeply as yours did is pretty amazing. Your movie was...horrible, but great. I mean it would be a horrible scenario, but you made it well.
The music was pretty perfect, evanescence fitting perfectly, and when Blue Oyster Cult came on i laughed because it was so fitting to the American War Dog aspect of our culture.
All in all? I have to seriously consider this as the best flash movie i have ever seen. You have to have researched this(or thought it out well) Simply for the many different directions the movie takes. Korea/China/US/Taiwan etc...
Bloody well done. Hope someday you could make something as good again.
This was good.
What im thinking is some really good voice acting for that whole movie, it would bring the quality of it to a whole new level. I liked the movie itself, and if it were voice acted i'd have liked it alot more, you can go far with ideas like that. I hope you end up developing your imagination further.
I'm actually a pretty decent actor, the problem is the sound quality and my radio-shack microphone.
Your animation is kinda sloppy, but i didn't mind it. Try harder next time
Great movie
Only way you could have made it better was to work on the chad's mouths as they talked, it was great keep up the good work.
Nothing wrong with the movie.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. In my opinion; Max Payne is the second worst game ever created. I can't believe you like it. Christ, buy an x-box.
I play paintball, mess around on the computer, party, and go to school. FYI
Age 39, Male
Barnum High
Barnum, MN
Joined on 2/28/03